Vimalakirti Sutra Paintings 维摩诘经变画

Two Pieces of One Paintng 一幅画的两部分

Tang dynasty (618-907 A.D.) 唐代(公元618-907年)

“Vimalakirti Sutra” transformation mural painting first appeared in early Tang dynasty caves in the Mogao Grottoes, represented by Mogao Cave 220. There was also a colored painting on silk of the same sutra theme from the Tibetan ruling period excavated from the Library Cave in Dunhuang, currently collected in the British Museum (Ch. 00350).


Vimalakirti CH 00350 British Museum.jpg

Vimalakirti sutra (Ch.00350), painting on silk. 维摩诘经变 (编号Ch. 00350),绢画。

Source: International Dunhuang Project. © British Museum. 图片来源:国际敦煌项目。大英博物馆版权所有。

There are also two pieces of the “Vimalakirti Sutra” paintings on paper excavated from the Library Cave, currently collected separately in the U.K. and France. Although there are minor differences in size, based on the content, composition, style, and characteristics of these two pieces, they are two pieces of a complete set made by the same painter. The complete set might be the earliest painting of this theme in which the Tibetan rulers were in leading roles among the spectators. 


Vimalakirti MA 6277 and CH 00540.png

Vimalakirti sutra (MA 6277 and Ch. 00540), painting on paper pieced together.

维摩诘经变 (编号MA 6277,Ch.00540),纸画拼接。

Source: International Dunhuang Project. © British Museum. © Guimet Museum.


Vimilakirti MA 6277 Guimet Museum.jpg

Vimalakirti sutra (MA 6277), painting on paper.

维摩诘经变 (编号MA 6277),纸画。

Source: International Dunhuang Project. © Guimet Museum.


The piece on the left is currently housed in Guimet Museum (MA 6277) in France. It is the section of the “Vimalakirti debating” (size 70x33.8cm). Under the layperson practitioner Vimalakirti are princes from different nation states listening to his preaching. Among them is a Tibetan ruler and his attendants in the front, indicating that this painting was made during the Tibetan ruling period of Dunhuang (786-848 A.D.).

法国吉美博物馆藏(MA 6277)《维摩诘经变》为"维摩居士示疾答辩"部分(尺寸为70x33.8厘米)。维摩诘榻下绘有听法的各国王子,为首者为吐蕃赞普和他的侍从,这表明该画应绘制于吐蕃治理敦煌时期。

Vimalakirti CH 0054 British Museum.jpg

Vimalakirti sutra (Ch. 00540), painting on paper.

维摩诘经变 (编号Ch.00540),纸画。

Source: International Dunhuang Project. © British Museum.


The piece on the right is currently housed in the British Musuem(Ch. 0054). It is the section of the “Manjushri visit” (size 73.2x30.7cm) in the Vimalakirti Sutra. The Bodhisattva is riding on a lion, and underneath them are ethnic Han emperors and ministers listening to the debate.


References 文献:

  1. The Dunhuang Academy. 敦煌文物珍品(2):敦煌出土纸本画《维摩诘经变》简介.
  2. International Dunhuang Project (IDP). 1919,0101,0.57 Recto.;bst=51;recnum=40499;index=78
  3. International Dunhuang Project (IDP). MA 6277 Recto.;bst=101;recnum=91274;index=124
  4. International Dunhuang Project (IDP). 1919,0101,0.31* Recto.;bst=1;recnum=40373;index=35