Donor Portraits 供养人像

Mogao Cave 285 Donor Portrait.jpg

Preaching Buddhas and Donors, mural painting, Mogao Cave 285 north wall. 说法像和供养人,壁画,莫高第285号北墙。

Courtesy Digital Dunhuang of the Dunhuang Academy. 图片来源:敦煌研究院数字敦煌

Mural Location: Mogao Cave 285, North Wall (top seven sections) 

Mural Topic: Cave donors

Mural Content: Above the meditating niches on the north wall of Mogao 285 are seven sections of paintings of preaching Buddhas and Bodhisattvas with donors painted underneath them. The accompanying inscriptions clearly indicated the construction period of the cave (538-539 A.D.). These donor images are classic representations of its kind around the time period. The female dresses and costumes demonstrate the fashion around the Wei Jin Southern and Northern Dynasties, with layered skirts and flowy ribbons that are like willows flying when walking. The male donors were dressed like  Xianbei nomadic groups around the time, illustrating the mix of cultures in Dunhuang. To read more about Dunhuang Donors, please read Dunhuang Cave Donors .

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Hua Family Donors with inscription indicating construction of the cave around 539A.D. 滑氏家族供养人和发愿文表明建窟年份为公元539年左右。

Courtesy Digital Dunhuang of the Dunhuang Academy. 图片来源:敦煌研究院数字敦煌


Hua Family Donors with inscription indicating construction of the cave around 539A.D. 滑氏家族供养人和发愿文表明建窟年份为公元539年左右。

Courtesy Digital Dunhuang of the Dunhuang Academy. 图片来源:敦煌研究院数字敦煌

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Yin Family Donors with inscription indicating construction of the cave around 538 A.D. 阴氏家族供养人和发愿文表明建窟年份为公元538年左右。

Courtesy Digital Dunhuang of the Dunhuang Academy. 图片来源:敦煌研究院数字敦煌


